DP 5 - TicketMaster
Suppose there is a train system that goes from station 1 to destination station N. Name the stations as you wish instead of 1, 2, ... N. You are suppose to get a ticket that minimize cost to go from 1 to N. The costs of the fairs going from i to j station is given as Cij, i < j.
Based on the cost matrix C, we can see that we could draw a graph. Please try simple train system like: 3 stations, and see.
First thing we need to comeup with a functional equation. In order to arrive at N station, we have to get to some intermediate station, and from their we need one more step to get to N.
Lets F(i,j) = Minimal cost from station i to j, i < j; Then
F(i,j) = min { F(i, j-1) + C<j-1, j> ; C<i,j> }, where C<i,j> is the fair to go from Ci to Cj
Now is the time for a try ...
// TicketMaster.c
// DP
// Created by Admin on 5/10/18.
// Copyright © 2018 AdminProkash Sinha. All rights reserved.
* TicketMaster is usually a person who gives you ticket to your destination station from the station you are now.
* U R given a simple railroad with stations 1, 2, 3, ... N. U R going from station 1 to N, and between each pair of
* stations (i,j), s.t. i < j there is a cost per ticket c(i,j). How do you minimize the cost of your travel from 1 to N
* In general minimize the cost from i to j.
* This can be represented as Directed Acylic Graph (DAG). Try drawing a simple graph on 3 station to have the feel.
* In Algos, and in general in Math, it is essential to find the nature of the problem, categorize if possible, classify
* to a know group of problmes, finally find a pattern or two and possibly reduce it to know problem.
* It surely looks like shortest path problem, since length and costs are interchangeable. Also it looks like a staged
* DP problem. Once we understand this much, it is time to comeup with Functional equation for the DP or just a
* recursive formulation of the problem. NOTE: While DP problems are back-tracking in nature, recursive are bottom up
* also depends on how you look at.
* Let F(i,j) = Minimal cost to travel from i to j, s.t i<j. Then
* F(i,j) = Min { F(i, j-1) + C(j-1, j); C(i,j) }
* i<j
* As you can see this is the recursive formulation !! Why? Because it is not using any intermediate calculations !!
* Can we memoize the intermediate computations ? I'm not sure though, just will have to play around with some
* concret example
#include <stdio.h>
unsigned int Min ( unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
return ( a < b ? a : b);
unsigned int C[4][4] = {
{9999, 4, 6, 14},
{9999, 9999, 5, 7},
{9999, 9999, 9999, 3},
{9999, 9999, 9999, 9999}
unsigned int TicketMaster(unsigned i, unsigned j)
int highNo = 999999;
if ( i >=j){
return highNo;
int result = Min ( TicketMaster(i, j-1) + C[j-1][j], C[i][j]) ;
printf( "result=%d, i=%d, j=%d, C[j-1][j] = %d C[i][j]=%d\n", result, i, j, C[j-1][j], C[i][j]);
return result;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
unsigned int Minticketcost = TicketMaster(0, 3);
printf("Minticketcost = %d\n", Minticketcost);
return 0;
// --- Traces ---
result=4, i=0, j=1, C[j-1][j] = 4 C[i][j]=4
result=6, i=0, j=2, C[j-1][j] = 5 C[i][j]=6
result=9, i=0, j=3, C[j-1][j] = 3 C[i][j]=14
Minticketcost = 9
Note that in this case it is 3 stage process. DP formulation might not be needed !!!
References (1)
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