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DP 5 - PickPocketer

Assume two pick pocketers  A, and B,  are settling on their end of the day earnings. The rule is that they will put all their picks on to a table. Then they will pick one coin at a time from either end of the line ( the coins are put on a line). Further assume that the number of coins is even, so both of them can have same number of coins. Fair game, as opposed to lot of things in life :-)

How should they go about picking in tern from either end of line to maxmize gain?

Example worth 1000 brainstorm !

S = { 6, 9, 1, 2, 16, 8 }. 

Greedy approach: Both A, and B will pick the larger of the coins at two ends.

A -> 8, B-> ... complete the process and see if A wins or B. You will see even though A has the first shot at it, A will loose. So greedy approach does not work. So what should be the strategy ? -- Think ...

The approach should be to minimize opponents next gain, rather than maximize your own gain. What an envy ! First approach is called Greedy, and the second approach is Strategy.

So at each turn, one would look at the difference between 2 left end coins and 2 right end coins and maximize the difference. In other words, you pick the greater difference.  

Look at Max {  ( a[i] - a[i+1] ),  ( a[N] - A[N-1] ) },   then pick either A[i] or A[N]

Time to find a functional equation !

Posted on Friday, May 11, 2018 at 03:25PM by Registered CommenterProkash Sinha | CommentsPost a Comment | References1 Reference

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