Why not software engineering, instead of Programming?

Remember the name of this blog!. It is NoNameUno. That is exactly my point. Just by giving a name that reflects engineering or science does not necessarily achieve the purpose or the promise !. Does it ?  Moreover, software engineering is a much broader and much newer concept than programming. Use of the software engineering techniques are growing but in my opinion still not solidified enough to consider main stream. Also there are a wide body of paradigm, standards, and other mess to consider for inclusion/exclusion in the definition and meaning of software engineering.


Whereas, basic progamming is essential at the end of the day. Unless there are generated software, realization of any software engineering ends with programming and debugging.  So I thought lets try to set the basics first...


Then again, remeber the name of this blog, NoNameUno :-)

Posted on Sunday, March 11, 2007 at 01:35PM by Registered CommenterProkash Sinha | CommentsPost a Comment

What is so exciting about programming?

Well, programming is perhaps a major contributor to our promise of  Hi Tech - "People would work much less hours per week, and enjoy more quality time ...". Come to think of, who would not buy this basic promise. If any political contender of any country running for the "Chief of State" get this point across, (s)he will win any election to come in the future. But is it a plausible promise?. Can we measure it, as we do the checks and balences on it? etc., etc would be the questions of a scientific mind. And me as a lazy man  would buy this promise first.

Instead of going in that direction, lets take it for granted that hi tech can keep the promise. BTW, we take lot of things for granted: environment, food, clothes, and other necessities. So it might not be as bad of an assumption as a downright pessimist would think! For me, it has been interesting all along. And honestly it pays well compare to lot of other profession...

Posted on Sunday, March 11, 2007 at 01:12PM by Registered CommenterProkash Sinha | CommentsPost a Comment

Why NoNameUno ?

It was during the spring of 1994, my wife and myself drove all the way from North Carolina to California, in particular to bay-area. That was after couple years of working in the east coast for quite a few companies as a Programmer. While I was driving, I was thinking to get my mind out of daily thoughts about programming, but was not successful. On the otherhand, I was trying to correlate something with what I experienced about programming, though subconciously...

Then after our arrival in bay-area, we moved down to Morgan Hill to own a house at the begining of 1996. By then we have our first kid, and we need to have a family checkup with a nearby hospital. While I've the address, I did not have the direction to get there, and internet was not very popular at that time, so there was no yahoo direction or other that I could have used.  I picked up the phone, called them for direction. The lady on the otherside was having trouble with my accent, and I was having trouble with the name of the street from where I had to make a left turn to my final destination. The name of the the street is -  No Name Uno street... It's california, and I've no idea what, if any, it means.

I asked "What is the Street Name you just mentioned?" She replied  "No Name Uno" ... And we were caught in a semi-infinite loop of  Q&A. Sometime I was interrupting in the middle before she finishes, and other time she was forcing me to repeat my question before I'm done...

Honestly, I simply loved it. It has a lot of similarities with Programming space... Just to mention a few: Network and communication programming, Little indian and Big endian, infinite loop, dead-lock, race conditions. Do you get it :-)

Primary goal of this site is how I feel about programming and high tech, so expect some random topics on and around these two main theme.

Lets get back to business !!!



Posted on Sunday, March 11, 2007 at 12:44PM by Registered CommenterProkash Sinha | CommentsPost a Comment

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Posted on Sunday, March 11, 2007 at 11:57AM by Registered CommenterProkash Sinha | CommentsPost a Comment