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What is so exciting about programming?

Well, programming is perhaps a major contributor to our promise of  Hi Tech - "People would work much less hours per week, and enjoy more quality time ...". Come to think of, who would not buy this basic promise. If any political contender of any country running for the "Chief of State" get this point across, (s)he will win any election to come in the future. But is it a plausible promise?. Can we measure it, as we do the checks and balences on it? etc., etc would be the questions of a scientific mind. And me as a lazy man  would buy this promise first.

Instead of going in that direction, lets take it for granted that hi tech can keep the promise. BTW, we take lot of things for granted: environment, food, clothes, and other necessities. So it might not be as bad of an assumption as a downright pessimist would think! For me, it has been interesting all along. And honestly it pays well compare to lot of other profession...

Posted on Sunday, March 11, 2007 at 01:12PM by Registered CommenterProkash Sinha | CommentsPost a Comment

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