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Looking thru Windows - It's almost summer!

This winter is pretty interesting! Few Blizzards in the East Coast, and fairly good amount of rains in the West! Really I can't believe it is already end of May and it is cloudy/rainy here. By now, it should have been a season to look thru windows - blue sky, beautiful armoa of spring with bunch of pollen to clear my nasal passage!

Oops, it is not intended to talk 'bout those windows, actually it is about Windows. It's been a while that I could not get my hands around it, now getting back to hack.

For a while, may be 5 years or so my better half was saying, clean up those mess, they are old CDs, the books are obsolete, and why do you need to carry them around. I was just ready to put some of those in the recycling place, and now I need them. Actually quite badly to brush off  the dust from the books and from my head!

 About 20 years ago, it was really fun to solve some graph algorithmic problem, well it was due to lack of better things to do perhaps!. Now I see another branch of applications where I really need to understand the difference between RAM and PRAM programming model for having an estimate of the alogorithm performances. These were abstract concepts at that time, now they have real and practical significance.

For example, Memory Managment and storage stacks. We know that from the higher level a storage system is abstracted as an array of blocks of memory on the secondary storage. And for a long while, this has been one of the fundamental abstraction now due to different media technologies the implementation of this abstraction could be quite different, and guess what that requires some fundamental understanding of graph algorithms. 

To name a few: List ranking, B tree, B+ tree, Shortest Path, Eulerian Circuits etc...

Some of us know what they are, or even know where to look before implmenting it...

But I will later try to stress some of them by asking questions like: What, Where, How, and When and finally Why.


Posted on Thursday, May 26, 2011 at 07:25AM by Registered CommenterProkash Sinha | CommentsPost a Comment | References1 Reference

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  • Response
    Response: buy paper online
    The going of winter and coming of the summer is always very interesting because it’s the part of nature. There are many things that use to change with the passage of time and that’s the part of life.

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