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Android - Building

To build an Android application and test, we don't need to build Android sources. All we need is to setup the eclipse environment as discussed earlier. But building Android and upload to a device is essential for new boards.  Here I will discuss a bit of my experience building android from source.

Android source is maintained using git souce code control system. To get the source and build use the instructions from the link -  http://source.android.com/download/using-repo.

Once you have the source downloaded you can build the source tree. By default, you will not get the linux os source, instead you will received a prebuilt subdirectory for linux kernel. So for now, we can build the android framework related stuff.

Following link tells us how to build the android ( without building the linux kernel ) -


Once you build the android infrastructure, next step would be to bring down the kernel source and build it. I'm sure the linux kernel hacker knows lot more than me, but goldfish is one of the default configuration that you can get from the kernel git repository on top of the base kernel, then build it. This is where the device specific personalizations are needed, and for that we need to tweek the standard configurations to target device specific configurations...

Posted on Tuesday, September 8, 2009 at 04:11AM by Registered CommenterProkash Sinha | CommentsPost a Comment | References1 Reference

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