Random debugging - Final stage
Having experience with windows firewall (zonelabs product development), I started to think along those lines and was thinking to turn off the firewalling on both machines, and restart. But before I do that, I hate to loose all the browsers opened. I've source insight and vs8 opened with five different sources (projects)...
I thought I should try the userlevel server on one machine and client on the other. As soon as I started the user mode echoserver ( note that wsk echo server is running and listening to 40007 tcp port), firewall popup cameout. In case you don't know - there is a nice utility called cports that you can download and see for yourself that system process is running and listening to a few ports including your echo server listen port.
As soon as I started the server under debugger, firewall warning pops up to clear the port for incoming traffic... Hurray.
Next is the venture to the wonder land of Random debugging ...
Enjoy it!
References (1)
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