SUN sets at 4:30PM !
How else can I spend an week end evening when there was plenty to wine and dine, and chat-away couple hours whose end result could very well be zero?
Couple weeks ago, I had to be in a gathering, since I had been gradually becoming very unsocial. Couple friends got together. One from SUN, another from veritas(symantec), another one from san disk and myself. We saw our friend from SUN is little depressed, so I threw an honest question ... What caused SUN to go down the path? Please tell us something, without getting into Marketing, Management, and other things that needs for a company to be successful. In particular, what machine(s) and OS(s) are eating away server market of SUN.
Also I implied that Microsoft servers market has been growing quite fast lately. If you remember, in the earlier days of NT now windows, people used to talk about SUN servers are so good, and MS were not ready at that time.
The veritas guy and san disk guys immediately threw me out of the picture, saying no it is not Windows server. It is the linux server on intel machines are eating away SUNs market.
Finally the SUN guy started. BYW, he has been with SUN for quite sometime. As usual, he is also not too keen about these business aspect. But whatever information he had, it is Power PC machnes from IBM with AIX or Linux or whatever...
Well, we have to trust horse's mouth. Then he iterated that SUN is reshaping.
So I guess, Sun does not set at 4:30Pm all the time.
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